Barz, Wolfgang
The aporetic structure of philosophical problems
Lampert, Yvonne
What is a philosophical problem? A plea for an analytical, cross-curricular approach
Thomas, Philipp
Negativity and wisdom as part of philosophy education
Cantillo, Clementina
Country Report: Italy –The Teaching of Philosophy in Italian Schools. Some Recent Orientations
Pfister, Jonas
L’Encyclopédie Philosophique(by Maxime Kristanek)
Richter, Philipp
Philosophiedidaktik. Lehren und Lernen(by Christa Runtenberg)
Kertscher, Jens
"The error of pre-existence" - about the use of the so-called anamnesis doctrine in teaching philosophy
Baňas, Ján
On assessment in teaching political philosophy: desirability and feasability
Díaz, Georgina
Country Report: Philosophy at Secondary Schools in Spain –Part I
Morehouse, Richard
Philosophical inquiry with children (by Burgh/Thornton, eds.)
Höppner, Nils
Lernen und Erfahrung. Epagogik (by Günther Buck)